Navigating small business taxes? Get answers to your top questions about filing, deductions, quarterly payments, and more. Learn how to optimize your tax strategy, avoid penalties, and maximize your financial success.
Confused about your child’s first paycheck and taxes? Learn if your kid needs to file a federal or state income tax return based on their age, income type, and location. Get expert advice on earned vs. unearned income, self-employment taxes, and how to claim refunds.
Accountable plans can significantly reduce taxes for S-Corp owners. Learn how to implement an accountable plan to reimburse business expenses tax-free and save big on payroll and income taxes. Discover the requirements, benefits, and steps to create an effective accountable plan for your S-Corp.
Stay ahead of the game with our breakdown of the top 3 tax changes for 2024. Learn about new early withdrawal penalty exceptions, Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) reporting requirements, and NFT tax implications. Protect your wallet and business from unexpected tax bills.
Interested in passive business ownership & the tax benefits? This article explains the IRS requirements for qualifying & the advantages of passive income. Learn how to achieve passive ownership & navigate the IRS rules.
Restricted stock units (RSUs) are a form of compensation offered by some companies to their employees. RSUs are taxed differently than regular income. This article explains how RSUs are taxed and what you need to know about them.
Maximize your charitable impact and lower your tax bill by donating appreciated stock to charity. Learn how it works, the benefits, step-by-step guide, tax implications, and more.
Confused about family gift taxes? Learn the IRS rules for gifting money & property to family in 2024. Includes annual exclusion limits, gift splitting & lifetime exemption. Avoid estate taxes & plan for taxes with a CPA.
Struggling with Sales Tax for Your Small Business? Get the Ultimate Guide Here! Learn about state sales tax, nexus, & how to get your EIN & state sales tax ID number. Stop stressing & simplify your business finances!
Demystify IRS Code 414 & Retirement Plans! Understand who it applies to, controlled groups, 414(h) plans & tax benefits. Free resources for small businesses & employees!