Want to hire your child to work for your business? Learn how to pay them legally, save on taxes, and help them build their financial future. Discover step-by-step guidance, free tools, and expert tips.
Understand the crucial difference between domicile and residence for tax purposes. Learn how changing your domicile state can impact your taxes, and what steps to take to ensure a smooth transition. Discover essential factors to consider before making this decision.
Accountable plans can significantly reduce taxes for S-Corp owners. Learn how to implement an accountable plan to reimburse business expenses tax-free and save big on payroll and income taxes. Discover the requirements, benefits, and steps to create an effective accountable plan for your S-Corp.
Looking to revive your forfeited, dissolved, or terminated Texas business? This comprehensive guide outlines the step-by-step process for reinstatement.
Stay ahead of the game with our breakdown of the top 3 tax changes for 2024. Learn about new early withdrawal penalty exceptions, Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) reporting requirements, and NFT tax implications. Protect your wallet and business from unexpected tax bills.
Interested in passive business ownership & the tax benefits? This article explains the IRS requirements for qualifying & the advantages of passive income. Learn how to achieve passive ownership & navigate the IRS rules.
Confused about LLC vs S Corp? This guide explains the differences in taxes, formation, and helps you choose the best structure for your business. Learn how to avoid double taxation and potentially save money!
Need a Registered Agent for Your Business? This guide explains what a registered agent does, why your business might need one, and who can serve in this role. Learn the requirements, how to choose the right agent, and how it can help with taxes.
Restricted stock units (RSUs) are a form of compensation offered by some companies to their employees. RSUs are taxed differently than regular income. This article explains how RSUs are taxed and what you need to know about them.
Struggling to pay your IRS tax debt? This guide provides step-by-step instructions for completing IRS Form 433-D to establish a direct debit installment agreement.